RENTAL POLICIES: Rental prices for the orchestra score and parts are determined by the length of the work and the number of performances. Some titles have published choral octavos available for purchase; unpublished chorals are supplied as a PDF file with permission to duplicate. Orchestra scores and parts are shipped (free shipping on all orders) upon receipt of payment, and must be returned within ten days of the final performance at the renter's cost.
SPECIAL OFFERS: With the order of four titles, the least expensive of the four is free. Some original works on the "Unrecorded" list (scroll down past the rentals list) may be supplied free of charge in exchange for a recording of your live performance and permission to use it on this website. Click here to contact Gary Fry for more information.
SPECIAL OFFERS: With the order of four titles, the least expensive of the four is free. Some original works on the "Unrecorded" list (scroll down past the rentals list) may be supplied free of charge in exchange for a recording of your live performance and permission to use it on this website. Click here to contact Gary Fry for more information.